Friday, February 4, 2011

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Eutelia Infracom

Infracom, received bids for two out of three branches

  • January 24, 2011

Sono Infracom IT e Infracom Infomobility. L’asset tlc resterà come base per il rilancio del system integrator veneto

di Marco Tennyson

A Verona sono giunte offerte per due rami su tre di Infracom , il system integrator veneto da tempo in difficoltà e ufficialmente posto in vendita dal neo presidente Attilio Schneck , che ha preso in mano le redini della società dopo le dimissioni di Roberto Reboni.

Come i nostri lettori ricorderanno, gli advisor di Bain hanno nelle scorse settimane presentato un piano industriale che prevede una sorta di spezzatino per valorizzare i singoli asset della società e permettere the latter to return to focus on its core business, identified in the telecommunications market , to revive the business. The stew of Infracom involves sorting into three business units, IT and telecom, but also precisely infomobility, and the sale of at least one of them.

However, now comes news from the Veneto about the offer, "by multinationals," for two of its three branches, namely the IT el'infomobility.

Infracom IT is the current center of excellence for information technology and finance markets Infracom PA, as well as the reference point for various activities ranging from application management services for data centers. Infracom Infomobility is one of the business of originating Infracom, in whose orbit gravitate solutions and services for highway concessionaires, public transport operators and logistics, such as building security, access and traffic monitoring.

It is not yet know exactly what multinationals interested in IT assets and infomobility Infracom, but it is possible that the latter line of business is moving the president in person Schneck, leveraging its worldwide entrature the highways, especially in Venice . Do not forget that Schneck is also president of the Province Vicenza and Venice motorway (Brescia-Padova), which through its subsidiary Intercompany Infracom controls.

According to Schneck's words, a final decision on the sale will be made within the month of February .


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