Monday, February 28, 2011

How Much Does A New License Cost

Eutelia Cloud Computing ...

Il progetto “Piero della Francesca ” ha il fine di rilevare e rilanciare le attivita’ di Telecomunicazioni dell’azienda Eutelia che e’ in commissariamento straordinario, per trasformare l’azienda nel primo campione nazionale per i servizi Cloud per le medie e piccole aziende. To put it succinctly

the term (translated literally, in Italian, "cloud"),
indicates that there is a single machine to handle all the details, but a group distributed servers connected to each other.

SAAS (software as a service) is one of three channels in which we divide the cloud computing: the term is used broadly to indicate the use of programs remotely.

PAAS (Platform as a service) rather than individual programs, you can remotely run an entire software platform.
(Infrastructure as a service): Saas of the same functionality, but applied the hardware side.
From the companies to finance the whole business in a cloud telecom also want to carve out their space in the market for applications in this market that promises to be a great deal of the century at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona all the players talked about their investments on 'innovation to enter the game

Who's afraid of the cloud computing? Fear just maybe not, but there is some mistrust. It could not be otherwise. The "cloud" is not a simple innovation, an improvement of one degree of what already exists, but a real revolution. Going to change the approach of companies to the whole system ICT, and which made not a step but a triple jump to the integration of information technology within business processes. Of any company, of all sizes and in all sectors, from manufacturing to finance, from services to utilities and public administration. A revolution equal to the same one that brought the advent of the Internet. It will therefore be an asset to build on what happened ten years ago to avoid repeating the same mistakes. The signs are encouraging, however.
That cloud is growing is shown by the fact that all the players on the supply side are still moving. In Barcelona at the Mobile World Congress just finished all spoke of cloud: the telecoms, who are investing in new services, the industries of telecommunication networks are gearing up, developing new platforms: the ultimate case of 'moving cloud "of Ericsson, which was drafted in the Wac (Wireless Application Community).
That there is also interest from companies on the demand side it is evident in the attention which followed the progress of this innovation, which will allow them to subvert the impact of ICT in their budgets. No more purchases of software and computing power increases with heavy investments affect profitability, but use on-demand, with costs commensurate with the effective use and highest standards in terms of technology upgrades, maintenance and security against the risk of data loss.
But there are, in fact, resistors. "To give out all their IT from a business point of view always arouses some concern Orsogna said Franco, a partner at Deloitte Enterprise Risk Services There are fears over the possibility of ensuring adequate safety standards, and perhaps at times are the same IOC chief information officers of companies to express resistance. Last but not least there are still possible relief in terms of legal liability of companies in the case of outsourced management of business data. " Among other things Orsogna has just completed the fourth edition of "ItBusiness Balance Survey by Deloitte Chief Information Office on the relationship between top management and a growing integration between the functions of business and information systems. And perhaps this does not help matters for the cloud at the moment, at least in large companies.
different matter in small and medium-sized companies, where, especially in Italy, the element of discrimination with respect to the cloud and related services in Saas, ie "Software as a Service ', the' sofwtare to counter ' is given mainly by field of activity. "Small firms in the sectors with the highest rate of innovation have taken more quickly the novelty ensures Camisani Marco Calzolari, professor of Corporate Communications and the Digital Languages \u200b\u200bIULM The hi-tech SMEs are naturally more flexible ready to seize the opportunity to lower the costs of their presence onlne: portals and services on portals in the cloud are cheaper, in terms of start-up costs operating costs and upgrade costs. In these cases there is also a lighter weight component It closely in the decisions. In fact, many of these companies encompass investment in the cloud as marketing investments more than technology. And on the other hand is quite understandable distrust of large companies are more structured: this discount is also a framework from which the cloud is still excluded. Just think of the rules on storing personal data and all the procedures that were designed based on a physical documentation, on paper.
But even here things are moving fast. Speaking just a month ago at the Forum in Davos Neelie Kroes, EU Commissioner digital agenda, launched the project of a common, shared and quick to reach by 2012 a redefinition of the controversial aspects of cloud computing, by defining a standard that can also expedite the adoption by public administrations of European countries.
These are aspects that give at this stage the advance of cloud computing a down trend, with news that can sometimes seem contrastanti. Come quella di pochi giorni fa in cui Cisco, il numero uno mondiale dei server e dei sistemi a rete ha annunciato l’intenzione di accantonare per il momento il suo servizio Cisco Mail, un’applicazione basata sulla «nuvola» che non ha incontrato particolare entusiasmo nel mondo delle aziende a cui si rivolgeva. Una battuta d’arresto? Certamente no, piuttosto un tipico caso di ricerca del migliore posizionamento di una innovazione nella gamma di applicazioni da offrire al mercato.
Diverso il caso quando invece i vantaggi vengono immediatamente percepiti: è quello che è avvenuto con la «nuvola mobile» di Ericsson. Il gruppo svedese sulle reti intelligenti ha fondato da anni la sua strategia e si prepara ora to reap the benefits. The first is his platform of "mobile store" behind the new service that Telecom has launched in Barcelona and Italy which will soon result of telephone and mobile operators gradually other members of the WAC. An Application Store managed by mobile telecom to return to competition in this sector against Apple and Android.

"You only pay what you consume a flexible and economic model" INTERVIEW

A technological revolution that can fundamentally change information technology companies and public offices, but also to suit the individual specificità evitando i rischi tipici della massificazione. È lo spirito del cloud computing nella visione di Microsoft, come racconta l’amministratore delegato della divisione italiana, Pietro Scott Jovane. Secondo il quale, "non siamo alle prese con una delle tante evoluzioni della tecnologia, ma di una nuova era che può rispondere ad alcune delle principali urgenze del paese, dal deficit di competitività alla necessità di innovare pur in presenza di budget limitati". Una posizione che si inserisce nella scia del pensiero espresso da Regina Casonato, managing vice president information management research&country leader di Gartner Italia, secondo cui entro il prossimo anno l’80% delle grandi aziende presenti nella Fortune 1000 list will cloud solutions. A belief that
Scott Jovane second reason lies in the fact that the cloud "is not confined to move software, hardware platforms and offices in places run by professionals, but introduces a new business model based on the principle that you pay only what you eat '.
During this period, cloud computing is the dominant theme in discussions on IT, since more or less all the major operators are investing in the sector. In what is characterized Microsoft's offer compared with the rest of the market?
"From our point of view the biggest mistake would be to convey to customers move to cloud computing come un’imposizione. Con questo voglio dire che non è indispensabile — e in alcuni casi nemmeno utile — spostare tutte le soluzioni informatiche dell’azienda verso un ambiente esterno. Al contrario, puntiamo a offrire un’opportunità in più, consentendo all’utente di decidere cosa e con quali tempistiche effettuare la migrazione. Ad esempio, un ministero può decidere di mantenere al proprio interno alcune informazioni e condividerne altre o un’azienda chiedere di spostare sul cloud solo l’operatività di alcuni dipendenti, avendo raggiunto il massimo della capienza per il proprio data center».
Detta così, sembra semplice.
«Infatti, la criticità emerge nel fatto che poi vecchi e nuovi sistemi devono parlarsi, senza alcun impatto per il singolo utente, che non si accorge nemmeno se opera su sistemi presenti nel suo ufficio o altrove. Questo possiamo garantirlo perché abbiamo 30mila sviluppatori nel mondo che ormai da diversi anni sviluppano ogni singola soluzione in modo che sia utilizzabile anche nel mondo cloud. Per fare un esempio, se oggi compri Windows Server, hai a disposizione anche Azurre».
In un periodo di tagli ai budget non sarà comunque facile convincere le aziende a effettuare il passaggio da sistemi consolidati al nuovo.
«Questo principio, che può valere in generale per le tecnologie, non si applica al caso concreto. Nel momento in cui i sistemi software o hardware diventano obsolete, any organization can not help but renew them because otherwise it can not maintain business relationships. Usually, before that happens, the organization must do a cost benefit analysis to understand what impact the new technology will have and the timing necessary to return the investment. While the paradigm change in the cloud: they are not fixed costs, you only pay based on consumption, which explains its adaptability to the current economic situation. When we talk of revolution is not an exaggeration: in the next three years will move about 800 billion dollars. An additional GDP of around 0.3% annually, for a country like ours means the 30% more. The impact will also be important in terms of employment, with the forecast of one million new jobs in Europe, which will be used in about 100 thousand companies that will be created in related activities of the cloud. "
provides a different approach to this technology by SMEs and large companies?
'It is difficult to define the needs in broad terms, but past experience we estimate that the smaller firms are especially concerned to shift the phase of service (eg for payroll or customer relationship management solutions) while larger ones tend to move the entire data center, except for emergencies as those already mentioned. " A node
hitherto unresolved cloud in the development of aspects related to privacy: outsource data and sensitive information is not something you do lightly.
"It 's a question that we have in mind, not least because Italy has adopted the most advanced legislation in the world for what concerns the protection of sensitive data. Our choice is to tell the customer is physically located where the car contains your data, who can apply and how, in order to ensure transparency. All confined to Europe alone, given the differences in regulations on privacy than the United States. " The three

pathways that lead to outsourcing integrated analysis
Claudia Gerini

IAAS, Paas, Saas ... Three sets of initials to identify the three different types which may decline as cloud computing, even if in the coming months, could be born of the new, even in relation to developing the "cloud" will have on technology and management. But we try to explain the three initials as well as defining which provide benefits to companies wishing to use cloud computing. IAAS
Infrastructure as a Service: With this system, applications, security, executable programs and the database remain in the company, while the storage and backup, as well as connectivity, are entrusted to outsourcing. It 's a system that in the coming months will continue to be the most common, but other systems are also growing.
PAAS Platform as a Service E 'is the area that will soon become the most important in the cloud. In practice, the whole computer system of the company resides on servers and outsourcing in common, except the applications, however, are still managed within the enterprise. This is because this allows to implement the programs according to specific needs of the company. In this sense, it will have a large contribution from the release of the Microsoft Azure, while the largest providers of middleware and systems management make acquisitions in its high-profile companies that provide systems PAAS.
SAAS Software as a Service is definitely the most advanced system for cloud computing, one in which the farm there are only "terminal" and everything else, from applications to storage is in the "cloud" and is in turn used "on demand" through the Internet. While this allows the system to give everything in outsourcing, however, is also the way that requires more than that of a reliable and continuous connectivity, including a specific assessment of the IT infrastructure to "rent" in the large farm technology.
The problem of security of information transmitted via Internet diventa fondamentale, per evitare che ci siano perdite di dati e perdite di "informazioni" sensibili. In questo senso, la protezione dei dati nelle farm è importante, ma è altresì decisiva la policy di accesso dei lavoratori al "cloud". Il Saas è il sistema che, però, permette la massima estensione in mobilità del lavoro aziendale. In pratica, è possibile lavorare da qualsiasi postazione, fissa o mobile, collegata o collegabile, in diverse modalità, al Web.


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